Long-Term Specialty Care - Community Living / April 3, 2023
Matt Hovey moved into the Queenswood ICF in Indianapolis in May 2018, after aging out of a youth residential placement. Matt arrived with many complex behavioral issues that included physical aggression and elopement, ultimately culminating in an incident with a neighbor in which he put his own safety at risk. At this time, Matt’s team in Indianapolis decided he would be best served moving to the CRMNF facility in Greencastle. Through support and therapeutic management of his needs, he has since become a happy, productive, and fun part of his community.
Matt currently lives in a waiver home with three other men. He is quite the character with lots of personality. Matt has written and published two joke books, and also does standup comedy. He is very active on social media, with his own personal Facebook page as well as one called “Hovey Art” and another called “Hovey Humor.” Recently, Matt was honored by having a piece of his artwork displayed at the Indianapolis International Airport. The ceremony was attented by the CEO of the Indiana Provider Association (INARF) as well as the Indiana Lieutenant Governor. Matt’s independence, humor, and wonderful personality continue to provide many opportunities for him to follow his dreams.
To watch a local news story about Matt’s art at the Indianapolis Airport, click here.
Filed under: Long-Term Specialty Care - Community Living, Media Hub